Because it's a bustling city of 4 million people, you're wise to join a trustworthy guide who can lead you safely while you learn about local culture, architecture and history. Medellín Bike Tour highlights some of the coolest spots in town as you pedal your way through an exciting adventure. Check out people's photos and comments on Facebook and TripAdvisor.



From top-of-the-line bikes to the insightful guide and well-thought out route, this is one of the best tours I've ever taken anywhere. Period. Worth every penny."

"While the tour would likely be a bit rigorous for someone who is totally out of shape, it's absolutely ideal for someone who likes cycling but isn't a fanatic. It's sufficiently athletic to force you to earn a few beads of sweat but relaxed enough that you can learn a great deal about the city's past (both contemporary & historical), enjoy gorgeous vistas and earn experiences you'd be unlikely to find on your own.

Mike and Alleen from Santa Elena
Reviewed September 13, 2016
on Tripadvisor